Sunday, February 27, 2011

little things - Sunday edition

When I came home from church today I was welcomed by an insanely messy kitchen and I found myself alone to tackle lunch/nap time with two tired boys. Needless to say…I was a little grumpy, but as I looked around I searched for something that would make me smile. And my pretty little bulb did it again. She was just sitting there in the midst of a mess smiling at me…and I smiled back at her. And with that, I tackled the task happily.2011-02-27 009
The other little thing I found today only lasted a split second but I was lucky enough to have the camera in my hand at the moment so I can share it with you. If you ask me… I will deny it - I have NO IDEA where he learned this!!   2011-02-27 002Now, go search for YOUR little things…
and let the corners of your mouth curl!
2011-02-27 011
**go see Ashley over at The Shine Project…I’m excited to be featured on her inspiring blog.
**I’ve got some fun things planned for you this week – I’ll see you soon!


Rachel said...

HAHAHAH! I LOVE the pic of Andrew!!!! Soooo classic.

Kristy said...

Andrew is hilarious!!! One of my little things....finding a post on your blog!

Kevin and DeNiel said...

The sun is shining today!

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