I decided to make something special to offer those of you who are coming to our blog to stay updated on our journey. Also to those of you who have been supporting us and praying for us along the way and continue to do so. Here it is...

The giveaway is for one of these cute finished and framed patterns. It will vary slightly as I am stitching it on a tea dyed fabric. I am making TWO so I will choose two separate winners to receive this little cutie in the mail. The frame will differ slightly as well...don't worry, it will still be cute. How to enter? Well, leave a comment and tell me what little thing made you happy today and what color frame you would choose for yourself if you won the giveaway. (if you are randomly chosen and haven't stated a particular color, your frame will be black). The giveaway will close midnight Eastern time on Sunday September 27th and the two winners will randomly be chosen and announced on the 28th. Good luck!
Today I am grateful for the little rays of sunshine that seep through the cracks of my blinds each morning and the little micro exfoliating beads in my delicious smelling body wash...
So cute Heather!
Well, I'm grateful for lot of things, but so far today I'm grateful for my litle girl's sneaky shy smile and she peeks out at me from hiding in her ball pit. She laughs as I look right past wondering where she is hiding. Then as her whole face lights up when I finally 'find' her. Melts m heart....
Hey Heather, I have thought of you so often over the last few weeks, but haven't wanted to bug you. I've bugged Joanna instead. Isn't she lucky? :)
Okay, today I am grateful for 2 hour naps. Not me--the baby. I'm also grateful for Exercise TV On Demand, since I skipped yoga this morning to go to playgroup at the park. Lastly, I'm especially grateful for spicy brown mustard and Diet Coke.
I could go on, but I won't. My frame (when I win it:)) should be burgundy red, so I can put it in my bedroom. Love you!
Are you serious? You're supposed to be the one getting presents! :) My little Wyatt's fuzzy, baby soft hair against my cheek makes me happy. Anytime! Also, I love Dove peanut butter chocolates. Yum! Love you Heather!
Today, I'm grateful for google reader. It helps me keep up with all the blogs, especially all the Wilsons!
I think of you often, even though I don't know you very well and continue to pray that things will go well for you with this baby!
How cute is that picture! I love it! I've been following your journey and you and your family are always in my prayers. I love reading about how your doing, and the other Wilsons too! Today I'm grateful for dentists...weird huh? Yesterday I had to have a crown put on and while my teeth were being drilled, I thought of the pioneers. Yikes, I wonder how they kept their teeth without a dentist. But, it made me grateful that I had a dentist. Even if my insurance is worthless!
I am happy today to be related to such a strong woman who can set aside her own will, her freedom, her body, and selflessly endure in order to give life to her child. I am so proud of you Heather and I want you to know that someday you really will be so grateful you made this sacrifice. I am absolutely sure of that.
I love you!
I love that you are doing this and your embroidery is beautiful...still, I am posting simply because I think that everyone needs to hear happy things on a daily basis, not because I want to win something.
I am happy that after 2 and a half hours of running around my school trying to plan a brand new class that I have been asked to teach in lieu of a planning period I got to sit down at my desk, listen to Wicked, and plan what I will teach tomorrow as opposed to what I will be teaching next week. It was wonderful to reexplore the French and Indian War in order to prep for the morning. I love remembering what I already knew :)
I am thankful to go into my boys' room to kiss them again while they sleep before I go to bed myself.
And thank you Heather for your blog. It's very inspiring to me. I'm sending lots of good thoughts to you and your family.
I'm grateful for the cool breeze that is coming in through my window. I love the fall (and I love my fall wardrobe over all the others :)
I think of you often. Love and miss you!
I guess I will say something, but I don't want to win because I know you would make something like that for me and have already made something like that for me. I want someone else to enjoy your talents, I already get to.
I am grateful for little boys who say, wittle instead of little. I am grateful for hard work, and I am grateful for the blessings that come when its over. I am grateful for great big eyes with long eyelashes. I am grateful for online classes, so I can be with my family more. And I am grateful for you Heather, and for all the hard work you have done so far to carry your baby into this world. And I am grateful for the opportunities I get to serve you while you do it. Hang in there, That precious little guy will come soon. Now, I am grateful for beds where I get to go and lie in now. I love you my sweet sister!
Today I am grateful that I FINALLY finished Lilly's Tinkerbell Halloween costume. FINALLY. The first one, after fixing, and fixing, and re-touching, and changing... I ended up just having to THROW completely away and start from scratch. Having really nothing to go by, this has been an extremely difficult challenge for me. But it is DONE! And I am not touching it again until October 31st.
I have loved reading your blog the past few days since I discovered it, and so happy to read all the happy comments! Happiness is good :) Today I am grateful for little cuddly boys in brand new pajamas - could there be anything better than that?? :) Seriously. Hope you're doing well!
I keep thinking about that wall in your bdrm in high school and how I want something like that in Pepper's room someday. Your creativity is a beautiful gift! I love you Heather:)
My little Pepper has recently learned how to coo, gurgle, and blow spit bubbles. I know this phrase is used a lot, but it truly is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Everyday I'm so thankful I get to stay home with her so I can be here for every new development. Motherhood rocks:)
I got to talk to Andrew on the phone yesterday about the "helicopter" park and his other adventures. I got to hear him explain to LaVon how the new baby should be called Andrew too. What a guy! Hope you continue to endure the bed rest. Hang in there.
First of all, I don't want to win the give away. For me, my posterity makes me happy, very happy. I have four beautiful daughters that are strong, faithful, loving, kind women. They are each special in their own unique way and I admire each of them. They are all stay at home moms and doing a great job of raising nine (almost 10) awesome grandchildren!
You are too cute! Things that made me happy? Getting almost 6 hours of un-interrupted sleep thanks to an amazing husband! :) I am always a fan of a brown/tan colored frame, but am not picky...
Love you and your blog!
Things that made me happy today: my new dress coming in the mail, making it through another week of school (four down, who knows how many left to go), homemade pie and homemade pizza, and speaking with my baby via sign language.
I love you and hope you are well. I really want this adorable creation!!
I check up on you to see how things are going every time I check blogs. Glad that you are at home and things are okay for now. Today, I am thankful for the sunshine, I love the summer and wish that it could stay. I am also thankful for exercise and how good that swimming can make me feel in the morning and last all day. I feel grateful for wonderful friendships and for an all knowing Father in Heaven that knows just what I am in need of and when I would need it the very most.
Heather, I have something for you and need your mailing address to send it. could you email me your address at: mommymmh@juno.com
Today I am grateful to walk my children to school. To do their homework with them. To hold a hand will crossing the street. I am just grateful that Heavenly Father trusted me enough to guide six sweet children through this life. So I am grateful for life in general.
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