Sunday, August 9, 2009

"You CAN..."

I just kissed my boys goodbye for their first Sunday without me. Andrew said, "Mommy, are you coming to church with us?" Then he said, "No, Mommy, you have to stay there in bed." It made me want to cry. I'm so excited for the day I can run around with my little man again.

Last night my Mom and sisters, Joanna and Lindsay, (I missed you, Alissa!) came over with a movie, nail polish and popcorn and spent some time with me on the couch. It was so nice to get a chance to laugh and enjoy their company. My sweet Mom treated me to a pedicure along with a leg and back massage...WOW! All I can say is it brought inexplicable joy! Lying around on strict bed rest takes a serious toll on your body and I'm already feeling the affects of it....stiffness, aches and pains all over, and eventually the loss of muscle and bone mass--it's all beginning and that massage was just what I needed!
I've been trying to stay as positive as I can, especially when I post something here, but I have to be honest for just a second and say that this is really hard! Someone I love dearly wrote me a little note the other day and she said "You CAN do HARD things!" It was a great motivator because it didn't insinuate that this was a piece of cake or if she was in the same position she would handle it any better. It just said...whatever happens, you are fully capable no matter how hard, frightening, or painful it might can do it.

I know that the only reason I'm capable is that the Lord is on my side in the good and bad, the exciting and scary. He is the one who lifts me up and gives me the strength to keep going. He knows every detail, He's felt everything I'm feeling and only through Him can I do hard things.

I keep bringing myself back to this quote I found..."Even when you're seemingly doing nothing, rest assured you're actually doing everything you can to ensure the arrival of a healthy baby – each new day you carry your little one inside is an achievement to be celebrated, and each week is a tribute to your strength and love. Moms are giving and selfless, and you are a Mom. "
– Alisa Ikeda

Whenever I talk to one of my greatest friends she always says, "Another day down!" and she's right. We see everyday as a miracle over here. Everyday as another achievement. The Lord has sure blessed our family with some beautiful days over here in the last few months and I hope that perspective will continue for long after our little one arrives!

Another appointment tomorrow....I will update you on the news we receive.


Kevin and DeNiel said...

Tomorrow will mean another week closer to a healthy baby!Love, Mom

Sara, Nick, and kids said...

You are so lucky to have family around!! That love you and care about you and support you soooo much!

Kevin and DeNiel said...

I love you, Heathie!! You are doing a GREAT job! I'm so glad that I've been able to spend so much time with you!

Kevin and DeNiel said...

Sorry.....that last comment was from me......Linds

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