Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happiness Part V

Take a minute to think of all the relationships you have.

Are you a Daughter, Son, Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Friend, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Teacher, Employee, Employer, Neighbor, or Acquaintance to someone?
Probably so.
Out of all those people who are coming in and out of your life, are there any that make you feel uncomfortable or unhappy....for any reason?

That's what today's question is all about.
5. Have you brought others into your life that build you up or tear you down?
If your answer is "yes" and the person you are thinking of is someone who is very important to you and who's relationship is worth trying to improve, let them know kindly that you are feeling unhappy or uncomfortable when they display certain attitudes, behaviors, and/or actions around you or toward you. 
If the relationship is important enough to the both of you....a resolution can be found.
If not, it's time to clean house and make room for some positive relationships.
I'm far from a relationship expert, but I do know that it's hard to feel true happiness when there is something or someone weighing you down.

How can we fix that?
Fill your life with people who emit joy and happiness....
People who rub wonderful habits and feelings off on you when you are around them.
Spend time with people who show you and tell you they love and appreciate you.
Spend time with people who treat you better than you think you should be treated.

If you don't have anyone in your life who comes to mind when you read the previous thoughts...find someone.
If you can't find someone....then BE that joyful emitting someone for others.
In doing so, I hope you will find the true happiness in your relationships you are looking for.


Kevin and DeNiel said...

I love these posts on happiness! Something we all need to think about. Thank you.

Sara, Nick, and kids said...

You definitely emit joy and happiness :)
Thanks so much for posting these! Please don't ever stop.

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