Thursday, February 10, 2011


My most frequently found stash around the house…

2011-02-11 2-11-2011 001embarrassingly so, it’s from me. (thanks Andrew for documenting this unfortunate event)

2011-02-11 2-11-2011 010

and my house looks a little like this…

2011-02-11 2-11-2011 002

and this…
2011-02-11 2-11-2011 003

(Tia, that little pink sparkly package is yours…but I will be keeping right there next to the M&M jar until you claim it)

This is my least favorite sight in the house…clean clothes in a big pile screaming to be folded and put away. I swear they have been sitting there for at least 3 days. but wait…what is that among the clothes?
2011-02-11 2-11-2011 006a funny boy…I mean, lion, staying warm in his den. Boy, that’s embarrassing…
2011-02-11 2-11-2011 007I will be meeting up with the doctor today, but until then, I will be laying on the couch pretending to feed this little furry monkey
(a.k.a.”Coco”) a lego head – beard and all.
2011-02-11 2-11-2011 009

1 comment:

Dan and LaVon said...

I'm so sorry you are SICK! We will all be glad for winter to leave and take the sickness with it. I ended up with the flue and dan went on the hut trip without me. Boo

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