Sunday, August 30, 2009

From Doug's View...

This is Doug... lets get that out of the way up front so you aren't confused when reading this post.

I just wanted to write for two reasons. First, to tell everyone how amazing and strong my wife is (which I am sure you already knew) and second, to write a little bit about the pregnancy and situation from my perspective.

Four weeks ago, our lives were turned upside down once again. This time it is easier/better and harder/worse for a couple reasons. It has been better this time because we have had wonderful support from family here (thanks especially to Mom!), we were expecting these issues and were better prepared, and we also have a great doctor throughout the pregnancy. Another unexpected blessing was Andrew. I was going to write that this has made the situation harder, which it has in some instances, but it has also brought us great comfort and joy. We know what comes from this long, painful and scary process... a beautiful and wonderful boy. The same process brought us Andrew, our biggest joy and miracle in this life. He brings me comfort each day as I take care of him, and brings light and joy to Heather each time she sees him. He helps us focus on the outcome and not the process. Can't say everything has been peachy... It has had it's hard points. It has been a little harder mainly because of the hospital stay. It is difficult to get down there everyday and it is hard on Andrew to spend so much time in the car. Good Samaritan is an hour away for us, so an extra 2 hours of driving a day is a little rough. This is not to say that it isn't worth seeing my amazing wife and having the blessing of saving our little baby's life, it just makes it a little harder.

I really have it quite easy comparatively. Yes, my schedule has changed, I have to take on more responsibility with Andrew and other things but I am not confined to a room with an IV attached to my arm. I am still going to work, I am still going to school, I am still working on projects, and I am still getting up and walking! Compared to Heather's situation, I consider myself lucky... in fact I wish I could trade her spots and even out the trials. It really isn't fair that this process is not split evenly.

Heather has been so strong during the last couple weeks. It is incredibly hard and frustrating to stay in a confining room for weeks on end apart from your family. It would drive anyone crazy, especially someone that loves her family so much and aches to be with them. She has been an inspiration to me on how to stay positive and busy in such a frustrating situation. It is amazing to see the deep strength that has surfaced in her during this trial, and I just hope that I have a similar strength when my time comes. Heath... I love you so much and want you to know how proud I am to be your husband. Thanks for giving me the strength to keep on going. Can't wait to hold that new baby boy in our arms as a complete family again! Love you, Doug.


Kindermusik with Celeste said...

what a sweet husband, you too are lucky to have each other!

Kindermusik with Celeste said...

I meant "you two" !

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