My green boy started Kindergarten today.
We made it to the school and I sent him off with no tears
(from either one of us.)
I think I was more excited for him than he was for himself, though.
My green boy is a natural worry wart...
he's always been a worrier and I'm sure he will always struggle with that.
Leaving Mom for a full day of school sure brought on the worries so I made him a little something special to override the worry with courage today.
Felt Hearts of Courage
I saw a picture of a little something similar recently and it sent my mind searching for a way to make it work for my little man.
What you need to make your own hearts of courage
Contrasting thread
10-15 minutes (recorded making one heart.)
First, cut squares 2.5 x 2.5 inches - however many you would like.

Now, double up your felt and cut as many hearts as you would like.

Then you will have yourself some of these...

I made my hearts small enough for little hands and little pockets.
(about 2 inches from the top of the heart to the bottom point of the heart)
Now take some contrasting embroidery thread of your choice and start a blanket stitch around your heart.
You need help with a blanket stitch? go HERE.

Leave a small opening to fill up your heart with courage and love.

Fill it up...

and finish your blanket stitch...

Make all the different color combinations you know you little one will love.

Put them in a little jar...

and when your little one is ready to go to school he/she can grab a little heart ...

put it in his/her pocket and whenever he/she feels nervous, lonely or scared he/she can just hold onto it and remember they have unconditional love from a family at home cheering for their success.
Green boy loved them and had a great first day!

No worries, little one ... just courage.
What cute idea! And thanks for linking to my blanket stitch post.
Andrew looks darling, probably stole his teacher's heart.
Thanks for the great idea. My daughter has been struggling with her first few days of school. I am going to make her some of these.
This is such a good idea! Thanks for sharing
This is such a great idea. My daughter will love it!
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